Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog # 5- Michelle Obama

Learning about the so-called “coverage” of the Sarah Palin campaign made me sick to my stomach. Though I am not a supporter of Palin, girls have to stick together. Media gave us a very surface level visual on Sarah Palin’s issues and gave a full spread magazine story on the shoes she decided to wear at the convention. Again, though I did not follow her campaign, I do religiously follow first lady Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama radiates power and success. She speaks at many conventions, follows her husband around the world and gives much of her time to charitable causes. Even though she is the first African American first lady, she will be remembered just as all first ladies are, on her wardrobe.

“Michelle Obama has changed the fashion industry forever. She inspires us to look better.” – Allison Mcnamara, Fashion Reporter 

For Michelle Obama’s 48th birthday, this website praised her for her most “famous” looks in the past 4 years as first lady. The essence of Michelle Obama’s entire time spent in the white house has been to inspire us to be better people and change the world around us. Michelle Obama does not want our wardrobe to be the only thing inspired by her time in the white house. A week ago at the National Democratic Convention, Michelle gave a powerful speech about the re-election of her husband. Most of the crowd was on their feet in tears and the first article written about that night was this:

Does the fact of whether or not her dress has sleeves affect politics in anyway? Michelle gave some incredible insight on the struggles of this country, struggles that are more news worthy than her wardrobe. To even push this further, this article was printed in people magazine: Michelle Obama's Nail Polish  
“Hot question of the day:” What nail polish color was Michelle Obama wearing at the democratic convention. Are you kidding me? If this is considered media coverage over the first lady then I feel very worried for the profession I am entering into. This story affects me because all our lives we are told we can do anything we want if we work hard for it. We are told hard work pays off and that one day we will get recognized. Michelle Obama is at the point in her life where hard work is supposed to pay off, she has amazing ideas for the betterment of the United States and as first lady her views should be addressed. The only media time Michelle is getting is answering the “Hot question of the day” “What color nail polish were you wearing?” This is showing young women that our opinions don’t matter, that no matter how far we go in life we are still going to be treated like girls and not taken seriously. If Michelle Obama cannot be taken seriously why would any other girl? Representation of women in the media needs to change. Women need to be heard, their values and beliefs need to be taken into consideration. And people need to start hearing Michelle Obama for who she really is, and that is one hell of a leader: 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

9/2/2012- Alex Morgan

Alex Morgan, U.S Olympic Gold Medalist

If you were to meet Alex Morgan on the streets of Seattle you would see a laid-back tomboy. Known for wearing gym clothes wherever she goes, all Alex Morgan wanted was to make the U.S Women’s National Soccer Team. She is the youngest girl in history to make the U.S National team, and is the youngest girl in the world to win a gold medal in soccer in the London Olympics. Alex Morgan competed in the World Cup against Japan and will also compete in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. Alex Morgan was named “Espy’s” Best Breakthrough Athlete in 2012, beating out several male athletes. Despite all of her athletic achievements, Alex graduated top of her class at The University of California- Berkley. Majoring in Political Economy, Alex hopes to run for U.S Senate at some point in her life.

Despite her very impressive achievements both on the soccer field and off, most people see Alex Morgan like this:  
Alex Morgan Sports Illustrated Cover
Alex Morgan's full interview with Sports Illustrated is here: Alex Morgan- Sports Illustrated
In this picture, as well as in the full article of Sports Illustrated very rarely are her soccer achievements talked about. In this picture Alex Morgan is portrayed as a sex symbol. Not only is this picture objectifying Alex Morgan, she is not seen for her achievements. If someone were to see this picture, being unaware of the soccer star Alex Morgan, you would think she was just another swimsuit model. These women are being objectified for their bodies rather than their skills. In 2012, Alex Morgan was listed as number 66 in Maxim’s Hot 100. Maxim’s Hot 100 is a men’s magazine ranking girls based on their image.
Alex Morgan Maxim Cover
Again, nowhere in this article does it say she graduated top in her class, or that she is the lead scorer or the U.S Olympic Soccer team. As we discussed in class, women and people of different racial backgrounds rarely have control on how they are depicted within the media. Magazines such as Sports Illustrated and Maxim portray these women as trophies, not women we should aspire to be. When men are portrayed in Magazines, they radiate success and power. Women are just as strong and powerful as men, yet they are not shown this way to younger generations. Change will come when women have control over how they are portrayed within the media. 

Alex Morgan talks about her photos in Sports Illustrated: